Paper on re-using learning objects at CICM
At CICM in Montréal a paper about reusing learning objects in ALeA was presented:
Kohlhase, M., Schütz, M. (2024). Re-Using Learning Objects via Theory Morphisms. In: Kohlhase. A., Kovács, L. (eds) Intelligent Computer Mathematics. 17th International Conference, CICM 2024, Montréal, QC, Canada, August 5–9, 2024, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14960. Springer, Cham.
A major bottleneck in the creation of learner-specific course material for ALeA is the provision of a sufficient quantity and variety of learning objects. In ALeA, the domain-specific concepts underlying a learning object are represented by a theory graph, i.e. as theories (groupings of concepts) connected by theory morphisms (reinterpretations of the concepts from one theory in the context of another theory). The paper describes how not only individual concepts, but also entire learning objects (e.g. exercises, including solutions and feedback) can be automatically “recontextualized” along such theory morphisms, i.e. translated into the context of another theory. This makes it possible to reuse existing learning objects beyond the boundaries of individual subject areas.
Marcel Schütz
Department of Computer Science
Professur für Wissensrepräsentation und -verarbeitung
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